Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Pulse of Michigan- poem by: Ibaa Ismail

The Pulse of Michigan

Poem by: Ibaa Ismail

When the robin flies high,
it caresses the sky of creativity
and rests on the white pine tree,
singing its eternal song
in all the languages of the world,
where everyday is a diverse festival
of man
the melody blends
with the voices of artists and poets.

The robin's colorful feathers scatter
and mix with the ethnic hues
of history and humanity.
The brushes of artists
and the poems of the angelic snow
rest on the earth's warmth.

One man after another finds his soul
illuminating with philanthropy, creativity, and prosperity
when the robin rests on each window at dawn
giving him the freedom from its wings--
the keys of peace
and new hope
to embrace humanity
away from war.



At May 16, 2009 at 7:00 AM , Blogger نوفل said...

كم أتمنى أن أكتب الشعر باللغة الانكليزية
تفضلي بزيارة مدونتي


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